Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I'm a Gold Fish

There was a time when I used to know specific dates of wars, and why a certain king invaded what country and when, and the names of all the buildings and their architects which i admired, but that was then, and this is now. I am a goldfish.
I was a diet coke addict for a while until my dr found an abnormal amount of a certain mineral in my blood and told me that the cause was excessive diet coke consumption, and warned me that diet coke has a chemical which literally eats up ur brain sells. I have been 4 months clean now. Is this why i dont remember events, places, and names of things I should? Or?
Currently going through gruelling decision making, similar to mental olympics. I hate growing up.
The picture above is a tattoo.. cool right?


SHISH said...

happy new year girl :)

nice blog..

Baroque said...

I agree..
I went off diet coke for a month,
had loads more energy and wasn't that bloated..
now i drink it occasionally like once a week,
it doesn't taste good, don't know how i was addicted..

PS. welcome back, u are one of bloggers i remember from way back when, it seems like there's been a flood of new bloggers taking over..

eshda3wa said...

my god it should be banned!

and i love the tatoo!!

Organic Kuwait said...

Extremely cool

Qumar 14 said...

shish: thank you, welcome to my blog

baroque: i noticed that too.. the only diet drink that i miss is diet seven up, but i quit fizzy drinks cold turkey.. scared.. and thanks i remember you too :))

eshda3wa: 7ada ! its horrible, bad for ur teeth, ur stomach acidity levels, ur brain.. wat more??? i've always wanted a tattoo but being a committement phobe i have decided against it

organic kuwait: cute pic, and thanks

Shoush said...

It's Aspartame; the artificial sweetner in diet coke. It's really bad and has many other negative side effects. It's a good thing u stopped drinking it. I quit too about 3 months ago too, il7imidla.

Oranjina fadidra said...

not a big fan of fizzy drinks ;\
I find it strange that I'd rather to die out of thrust, I wuld never drink coke, 7up etc but I wuld kill for dr.pepper or cherry 7up