Sunday, January 29, 2006

my business is your business

isnt it odd how kuwaiti society keeps tab on everything..

its like you are supposed to live according to wat everyone agrees is ok.. but who makes up these rules? I feel that we are in a courtroom and the society is the jury for the trial.. and each action is depicted by a unanimous vote on whether you are guilty of committing a social crime or not..

I recently ran into a female friend of mine having coffee with a male friend in a well known coffee shop.. i said hi and walked away toward the cafe i was meeting my friends at..

when i arrived i told them that i ran into flana and i commented that she got a hair cut and her hair looked much better now and moved on from there to give them an account of my hectic day..

i was interrupted by another who said: "BQ did u see that flana was with a guy? is she engaged or is that her brother?" so i was like "huh?" (annoyed at the irrelevant question and thinking who cares?).. so i replied that i didnt notice who she was with to avoid the conversation..

to me whoever i saw was not doing anything out of the ordinary, she was simply having coffee with a friend.. one of my family's american friends says "in kuwait, the only socially acceptied way of meeting up with a friend of the opposite sex is where no one can see you like shalaih, i wonder wat that leads to"..

How embarrassing lol.. and i agree.. here in q8 if u do normal things its wrong and ur reputation goes down the drain, but when they cant see you and ur away somewhere ridiculous then its ok just cuz they dont know..

just think its ridiculously funny how we all live with these silly rules ..

another silly thing i noticed was the concept of "estegbalat".. which is when an event happens to a person and as a result the person must welcome guests into their home and go buy very expensive chocolates and flowers for when the guests arrive..
wat i noticed is that both parties, the hosts and the guests are not inetersted in participating in this event yet both do it .. the woman who just got out of 8 hours of labor is supposed to welcome guests, have makeup on, and provide them with chocolates and a small trinket instead of enjoying her new born with her husband..


Love and Marriage

I recently read a blog (ss_stallion), that reminded me of the situation i am in at home.. pressure to get married..

Marriage is a big step where you choose a partner to share life with, someone who will be there as your rock and you as theirs throughout life.. someone who you are comfortable with..

that sounds nice but too practical.. Where are the fairytales? I want someone who sweeps me off my feet, someone i fall for and hard and still not freak out about how much he could hurt me.. someone good looking.. someone smart.. funny.. reliable.. honest.. and the list goes on..

but then comes the reality check, these people dont exist...

How Kuwaiti are you?

It recently hit me that our open minded youth is losing their kuwaiti identity or roots.. Suddenly open minded means 100% american or close, no sense of belonging to Kuwait except by liking the food and music.. No sense of values..

Religion is a personal thing, and i never wanna talk about that because again its personal.. but i hate the idea of being cleansed from my traditions.. Twisting tradition and updating it sounds good but a total loss is nothing but a true loss.. I dont know if that makes sense but i guess i am a bit frustrated..

The question is: "How Kuwaiti are you?"

are you kuwaiti cuz you eat machboos? in a world that has become a global melting pot i fear that we will lose our selves.

I love listening to western music, reading english books, and i only watch american shows.. but i do love our values of respecting our family and ourselves and living according to our norms..

Living abroad and mixing with foreigners is an amazing learning experience for both parties, but why is it that we end up being totally erased as a result..

Hope that made sense..

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Political Situation in Kuwait: A tooth ache

The political situation in Kuwait.. reminds me of my childhood.. when my baby teeth were falling out.. Like a bad tooth the situation remains hanging.. everytime you think yalla khala9 gareraw new emir, the tooth refuses to fall out.. and hangs on..

I had my wisdom teeth removed about a year ago.. I was sitting on the dentists chair watching a movie they put on some weird glasses while the dr was cutting stitching removing doing his thing.. while i watched or didnt in the background.. Like now.. we sit trying to live our lives just like i was desperately trying to watch that movie at the dr while wondering what he was doing and the exact details.. and i remained hanging until the very end.. Yes, just like Kuwait now.. with us in the background.. only without the sedatives to keep us calm...

Monday, January 23, 2006

Shaikh sa3aD Oath?!!

My grandma was just over.. and she said that one of her nieces showed her a video on his phone (mms).. which was off shaikh sa3ad taking the oath..

Can this be true ? Have you guys seen this? My grandma has poor eyesight so i figured it was someone impersonating him etc..

Wat do you think??..

..i love you..

in Limbo..

Had too much on my plate for a while now its over.. but now in limbo as i wait for things to happen..

wat makes it worse is that the whole conutry is in that position too but over the current political situation.. its like we're stuck.. i feel my productivity is on hold even though it has no direct personal effect.. just worried wat a new emir might mean..
and the weather is not helping.. just wanna curl up on my couch with my coffee mug and watch desperate/o.c./lost.. all day..

btw i'm a big art fan.. i hate the cats in the painting but loved the theme..

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Ra7 il Qa'ed

La7tha.. a power struggle within the royal family?

SHouldn't they stop and think about the best interest of the country? Is it possible that shaikh sa3ad and the salim al-3ali clan should rule while they are mainly concerned about who rules and from which side of the family, instead of who would be best fit for the job?
Should we really want that? We need someone who puts Kuwait first.. interesting how it ended up like this..

I'm sure shaikh Jaber alah yer7ema would really be hurt by this, a man who always put kuwait first..

Help! I am addicted to LOST

wow .. totally impressed..

Just finished season one of LOST.. Had it since god knows when.. never even bothered to watch it cuz i was like "Plane crash, jungle?.. totally not me" .. I am a desperate housewives girl, previously a sex and the city addict simply for the shoes..

They don't wear Manolo's on LOST.. so when i saw some of the first episode on showtime while flipping through, i was like NAAAh not for me..

Not only am i completely addicted, I feel the writers have outdone anything else.. even when i started liking it i doubted where they can take the show.. the concept is limited but they just kept surprising me and grabbing my attention..

All LOST fans, im sure you know what i mean.. Season 2 here i come