Monday, July 06, 2009

For a bank teller society.. what's next?

The financial crisis could prove to be a good thing for Kuwait's youth. Banks and investment companies are hard hit, and they aren't hiring. The trend was, go to college, study business, work as a teller and see where that takes you. Oh, and start a cupcake company on the side.

In a culture of "haba" or following a trend, the trend was to join the financial industry whether you are interested or not, because its perceived as the best alternative and the most coveted.

The next "haba" was to become an entrepreneur, i believe it is the current trend, as i am still hearing almost daily about "toota's kaika" or "daloo3a's dara3a"... this trend i applaud, albeit it be done with a little more creativity.. all of you are good at making cookies? Really? was it your mother who suggested it? or your bestfriends? ahhh.. yes.. ofcourse you're good.

Why not a personal trainer? A chef? I respect Burger hub, prime and toast, slider station, these guys deserve a standing ovation, they made it. Their concepts are original, interesting and i know that both guys are true chefs who take pride in each ingredient.

The financial crisis is a good thing, because now, instead of having a teller who is a part-time cookie baker, we get a cookie baker only. Who will end up competing with the other cookie bakers, this will spur competing on differentiation, and may the best cookie win !

Point is, eventually there will be some filtering, and the next big "haba" will come, perhaps "Fatooma's samboosa", and soon instead of being a cookie cutter society, we will have true characteristics..


Unknown said...

Financial crisis in Kuwait?

Really, if people in Kuwait were financially in crisis, I don't think they would spend so much on boutique burgers.

Zeecu said...

concurring with Sami's comment, I think we need to measure the effect of the crisis on consumer goods purchases. From my humble (and narrow) social circle, I still see people travelling, spending huge bundles of cash on hotels and flights. Those who chose to remain in Kuwait still shop and eat boutique burgers and deraree3 and sambosa. The embassies I went to for visas were very crowded (UK visa centre started for the first time to open on Saturdays to cater for large number of applications).

May the best cookie win indeed, I'm sick of mediocre goods sold under the banner of elkuwaiti anfa3. To get my hard earned dinar, I want a hardcore cookie! :)

Unknown said...

I like this post.

Bo6abesh said...

Referring to ur post, actually we are a very clever culture and we have a lot of feasible ideas, also we have huge liquidity and specialized firms to finance small projects,,,what else we need??

Our main problem is lack of guts and fearless hearts

nice post sis

Unknown said...

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